Counseling Services

  • Another way we meet the social-emotional needs of our Cherry Chase students is to provide school-based counseling.  Students who participate in counseling services meet with a Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) counseling intern one or two times per week for play-based counseling.  Play-based counseling is a form of psychotherapy used with children to help them express or act out their experiences, feelings, and problems by playing with dolls, toys, or other play equipment, under the guidance or observation of a therapist.  

    Cherry Chase students can also benefit by participating in one of the following small groups:

    Tween Talk – 5th Grade

    An eight-week, lunchtime group facilitated by a CHAC counseling intern using an age-appropriate curriculum focused on motivation, positive identity, self-esteem, relationships, and making healthy choices.

    Just for Kids – 3rd Grade

    An eight-week, lunchtime group facilitated by a CHAC counseling intern using age-appropriate curriculum that equips kids to identify, express, and take responsibility for their feelings, as well as helps them develop healthy problem-solving skills.

    If you feel your child could benefit from any of these services, please discuss this possibility with your child’s classroom teacher.