CAASPP Student Score Report Information

  • Each year, California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing will begin in April and run through May.  Score reports will be sent home in late summer.  These results will include the new CAASPP Performance Levels:

    • Standard Exceeded
    • Standard Met
    • Standard Nearly Met
    • Standard Not Met

    The CAASPP Smarter Balanced results will be important in measuring how effective we have been in updating our curriculum and instructional practices to align with the new California Common Core Standards. Because the standards and testing are new, a dip in scores is normal and to be expected.  This is true for all the students in the state.  When you receive your child's CAASPP score report, you will naturally want to compare these results to the old California Standardized Testing (CST's) results from 2013, but it would be a mistake to do so.  The CST's were based on the old standards, and those tests and standards are completely different from the new rigors of the Common Core and the demands of the new Smarter Balanced testing.  Instead, look at this new score report as an indication that your child is working towards these important skills: problem-solving, perseverance, application of knowledge, listening, reading complex texts, research, and real-world math tasks.  These skills will be needed and valued in tomorrow's workplace.   

    More resources for understanding the CAASPP Score Report can be found at 

    This video created by the California Department of Education also provides information regarding your child's score report: Understanding the CAASPP Student Score Report