School Safety

  • The safety of our students is our number one priority at Bishop Elementary School.  We work closely with the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety and partner with their Neighborhood Resource Officers to ensure that our school is a safe place for learning. 
    Drills are held throughout the school year so students and staff understand evacuation procedures.  Radio Communication Tests are done once a year, Fire Drills are held monthly, Earthquake Drills are held four times per year and a Lockdown Drill is held once at the beginning of the school year.

    Re-Unification Site

    The following is the off-campus re-unification site our school will use in case of evacuation due, for example, to a campus intruder or damaged structures:

    Murphy Park - N. Sunnyvale Ave. and E. California Ave.


    Primary Location


    Secondary Location


    Street Access Points

    Bishop is accessible from Maude Ave. and N. Sunnyvale Ave.


    Parent/Student drop off & pick up

    N. Sunnyvale Ave. & Maude Ave.

    N. Sunnyvale Ave gates between multi and garbage bins

    Bus drop off & pick up

    N. Sunnyvale Ave./Front of school

    Bus Parking Zone

    During an emergency, the director of transportation will determine pick-up and drop-off procedures.

    Public Entrance to School Site for Visitors

    Signs are posted at the entrance requiring all people to check in with the school office at N. Sunnyvale Ave.


    Student/Staff Evacuation (by walking)

    Students and staff will exit school and line up on the blacktop

    Students and staff will exit school and line up on the field