Community Partners

  • San Miguel is proud to have a number of community partners that support student and community growth.  Many of our partnerships are listed on other pages on our website.  Below are a list and brief description of our partnerships.

    Assistance League® of Los Altos - A local nonprofit run by volunteers. Our mission is to improve the lives of people through our community programs. We collaborate with San Miguel to design programs that enable all students to meet the social, multicultural, and technological challenges of the twenty-first century. We provide books, school supplies, Spanish library books supporting the school's Juntos Spanish English Dual Immersion program, PE equipment, food pantry snacks, and an annual 5th-grade off-campus science camp scholarships.

    Playworks – Provides a Playworks coach to the school.  The coach facilitates class game time for all classrooms, teaches students new games at recess, opens a before-school recess time, teaches students conflict resolution skills, coaches 4th and 5th graders to be junior coaches, and coaches after-school sports for 4th and 5th-grade students.

    CHAC, Community Health Awareness Council – Provides counseling interns to the campus for individual and group therapy, and also hosts social groups for student skill building.  Students receive services during the school day, approximately 1x a week for 

    First 5 – Family Resource Center (FRC) – Relocated to Columbia Middle School, the FRC provides free programming to parents and their children.  Art enrichment activities for children.  Information on community resources.  Application assistant for Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, and Healthy Kids insurance programs for kids.  Developmental screenings for children under 6 years of age.  Parent workshops and seminars for parents (preschool and K readiness, nutrition/health/wellness, Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), Parent Leadership (Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors), Child language and literacy development (SEEDS).  

    Project Cornerstone – Asset Builders Champion (ABC) Program – Volunteers read selected books and lead discussions and activities about respect, tolerance, honesty, peaceful conflict resolution, taking a stand against bullying, etc.

    Fremont High School National Honor Society – Volunteers support after-school social events, help restock the library, and provide tutoring during KLAS.

    Sunnyvale Public Safety – Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO) comes onto campus regularly to build positive relations with students.  NRO, EMTs, and Fire do presentations to classrooms and contribute during safety drills.   

    Sunnyvale Challenge Team – Creates a network of organizations and resources in Sunnyvale with a focus on supporting students and families. 

    Sunnyvale Wrestling Club – Coming soon - Provides an after-school wrestling club for 3rd-5th graders for 8 weeks.  No charge to families.

    Euphrat Art Museum – Provides an after-school art program for students on Tuesday after school dismisses.  No charge to families.

    KLAS – Kids Learning After School – An after-school program for students in 2nd-5th grade.  Components include homework support, active play, and enrichment activities like Lego builds.  A small fee associated.

    Safe Routes to Schools – San Miguel hosted the Santa Clara County Kick-Off in October 2014.  Provides education and incentives for students and families to safely walk and roll to school.

    Palo Alto Medical Foundation – PAMF – 5210 – Provides education to parents on 5210 – 5 fruits and vegetables a day, 2 hours or less of screen time, 1 hour of active play, 0 sugary drinks.  Hosts a “Strong Start” eating program to help parents learn to cook healthily at home.   No cost to families, sign up at the front office.

    Starting Arts – Students rotate through a wheel of arts over the course of the school year.  They attend a Starting Arts class 1x a week for 30 minutes most of the school year.  Arts include visual art, music, theater, and dance.  Students also learn choir songs with their grade level in 6-week time periods and each grade level has an evening performance 1x a year.

    Columbia Middle School (CMS) – Coordination around supporting families with children at both schools.  5th-grade students visit and tour CMS at the end of the year.  5th-grade students also participate in academic assessments to support course selection at the middle school.

    San Jose State University – Collaborative for Teaching and Reaching the Whole Child – Student teachers are placed with our teachers on-site, known as collaborating teachers.  Collaborating teachers receive professional development on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and integrating SEL within the classroom and content.

    Santa Clara University – Student teachers are placed with our teachers on-site.

    Stanford University – Coming soon – Student teachers are placed with our Juntos teachers on site.

    Sunnyvale Community Services – Support services to families around housing, food services, and school supplies.  Provides backpacks and shoe vouchers for students in need.  Weekend food program provides a bag of non-perishable items for families in need that are picked up at KLAS.

    Kaiser – Best Me – Peace Signs – Provides assemblies, class workshops, and a family night focused on topics like bullying and being an upstander or eating healthily, exercising, and limiting screen time.

    College Day – Provides materials to families about the process of applying for and funding college.  Schedules a field trip for 5th graders to visit a college campus.  Past visits include Stanford University and Foothill College.

    Kids Club – New Hope International Church – Provides a Christian after-school program for K-3rd students on Fridays until 2:15 pm.  No cost to families.

    Columbia Neighborhood Center – Provides programs for families off-site.  Examples include School break camps, Festival of Lights tickets and transportation, La Posadas.  Small or no fee to families.

    Technology Fair – Chicana Foundation – Family event in the evening focused on bridging the technology divide.  Sign-ups for reduced-rate internet, hands-on coding for students and parents, NASA projects for students, parent information on cyber safety, and raffles for tablets and netbooks.  No fee for families.

    Ashoka – Provides forums to discuss creating a changemaker climate at the school.  In 2014 San Miguel was visited by a group from the Lehman Foundation in Brazil and will be visited in 2015 by an Ashoka fellow from Thailand.   

    Gatoraid/49er Camp

    YMCA  - spring break camp

    Google – CS First 

    Junior Achievement - Financial Literacy - JA partners with the business community, educators, and volunteers to help children dream big and reach their potential. JA's hands-on, experiential programs teach the key concepts of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy to students around the world.