Sunnyvale Middle School

Home of the Spartans

Sunnyvale Middle Upcoming Events

SMS Peachjar Flyers

Sunnyvale Middle Hours

  • Sunnyvale Middle School

    Address: 1080 Mango Avenue, Sunnyvale , CA 94087 

    Phone Number: (408) 522-8288

    Absent Line: (408) 522-8288, Press 2

    Absent Email:  

    Office Hours

    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri


    Wednesday (Late Start Day)


    Drop off Hours

    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri:   8:10am 

    Wednesday (Late Start Day):   9:30am

    There is no adult supervision on campus prior to the drop off hours listed above.  Please keep students safe by following drop off hours.

    After School Library (LRC) hours

    Monday- Thursday:   3:10pm - 3:40pm

Sunnyvale Middle Welcome

  • Welcome to Sunnyvale Middle School
    Home of the Spartans

    Sunnyvale Middle School (SMS) is a California Gold Ribbon School and National Blue Ribbon School located in an ethnically diverse suburban area in the City of Sunnyvale in Santa Clara County, California. Sunnyvale Middle School serves a population of 1200 students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Sunnyvale is generally considered to be a middle-income community, largely residential, surrounded by a variety of retail businesses and Silicon Valley high-tech companies. Four elementary schools, Ellis, Vargas, Cherry Chase, and Cumberland, feed into Sunnyvale Middle School. The school site focuses on supporting the whole student with challenging academics, social-emotional supports and extracurricular opportunities.

    School Mission

    SMS is a school community that embraces students' unique gifts and affirms their cultures. We pursue excellence in academic, social, emotional, and cultural competencies preparing them for high school and beyond.