
Classroom Management- PBIS

  • Safe, Respectful, Responsible- “Charger Pride”

    • In room 13 Good behavior and effort are rewarded daily! Positive reinforcement is key to all of us having a successful year! It is also core to Charger Pride. (Our school-wide positive behavior program)

    “Bucket Filling"

    Everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts and feelings. When our buckets are full, we feel happy and when our buckets are empty, we feel sad.  During this school year we are encouraging, reminding, and recognizing everyone’s efforts to be bucket fillers at home, at school, and everywhere they go. In our classroom, each student has a “bucket”. Everyone is encouraged to fill the buckets by saying, writing, or showing kind words, compliments or actions to each other. I have always been a strong believer in the importance of building community and being a school family, so this brings my efforts to light in a tangible way.

    "Class Dojo"

    Class Dojo is an online behavior management system that provides feedback and points for each student in real-time. You will also be able to log in daily to track your child’s progress!