Welcome to Room 4!

  • Daily Schedule  8:00-2:15  [Monday-Thursday]/[Friday 8-12:30]

    Morning Routine


    (small groups)



    Language practice/small groups



    Recess  10:00-10:20


    Language (ELD)  10:20-11:35


    Lunch/Recess  11:35-12:15


    Math/math workshop 12:15-1:15

    1. addition/subtraction to 1000

    2. problem solving with multiple concepts (time, money, addition/subtraction, place value, measurement)

    3. types of measurement: time, money, inches, centimeters, feet, yards

    4. number sense (to 1000)

    5. geometry/shapes 

    Project Cornerstone  (Wednesday/once a month) after 12:15


    Science/Social Studies  (PBL) (Mon/Tues/Thurs)  1:15-2:00

    1. People of the past/ancestor report/culture feast

    DQ: how have people throughout history impacted our work? How can we impact the future? *year long

    2. Nutrition/Health unit: diet/exercise/good choices

    DQ: how do the choices we make with our diet/health help prolong our life?

    3. Animal adaptations (animal reports)

    DQ: How do animals adapt to their surroundings to survive and thrive?

    4. Plant life

    DQ:  What are functions/needs/benefits of plant life


    Music: 1:15-1:45/Exploration 1:45-2:00

    Room 4 theme art: 1:15-2:00 (2-3 times a month)

    Social Workshop: (at least 1/week) (3o minutes)

    Starting Arts (Wednesday)  10:55-11:25

    Art (push in) (Tuesday) 8:00-8:45/9:00-9:45

    Library (Tuesday) 10:55–11:25

    Lab (Thursday) 10:55-11:25

    Cooking (Monday) 8:00-8:30/8:30-9:00

    P.E. (Tuesday/Thursday) (Pull out) 

    Tuesday: 9:00-9:30/9:30-10:00

    Thursday: 8:00-8:30/8:30/9:00


    EARLY DISMISSAL (Friday 12:30)