- Fairwood Explorer
- Community Participation
- Team Descriptions
Family Participation
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xPhysical Education Team
Art Team
Cooking Team
Classroom Coordinators
Field Trip Coordinators
Science Team
Gardening Team
Project Cornerstone Team
Lunch-time Activities Team
After-School Activities Team
Destination Imagination Team
Girl Scouts
Social Events Team
Academic Events Team
Fundraising Team
Website Team
Marketing Team
Traffic Safety Team
Recycling Team
Physical Education Team
Purpose: Utilize existing curriculum to provide grade-level consistent physical education to kindergarten through third grade classrooms.
Functions within the team: Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Develop grade level lesson plan working with grade teachers
• Develop team budget
• Assemble grade level binders documenting the physical education curriculum and lesson plans
• Periodically review implementation and suggest improvements
• Provide access to curriculum materials provided through the program.
Art Team
Purpose: Bring grade-level appropriate art education to the classrooms through the Meet the Master program.
Functions within the team: Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Provide Meet the Masters training to Art Team members
• Develop team budget
• Determine artist rotation for each grade level
• Periodically review implementation and suggest improvements
• Provide access to curriculum materials provided through the program
Purpose: To bring curriculum appropriate and grade-level cooking education to the classrooms and to provide a lasting resource for future years.
Functions within the team: Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Directly provide and support cooking lessons in your classroom
• Work with your teacher and class parents to gather supplies and $
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Develop grade level lesson plans working with grade teachers
• Develop team budget
• Assemble grade level binders documenting appropriate cooking lessons
• Periodically review implementation and suggest improvements
• Coordinate access to curriculum materials provided through the program as well as classroom money used for consumables. These consumables need to be coordinated through the individual teacher and the classroom coordinator.
Classroom Coordinators
Purpose: To serve as a liaison between the teacher and classroom families by coordinating classroom events.Functions within the team: The Classroom Coordinator works directly with the classroom teacher.Team Expectations:
• Kick-off meeting to start year, ask questions and provide guidance for new coordinators
• Provide mentoring for lower grade/new coordinators
• Collect and organize parent volunteer TB tests, district volunteer forms, car insurance information, and other required paperwork.
• Assist teacher in scheduling parent volunteer work hours in the classroom
• Collect, deposit and track classroom fund donations
• Assist teacher in organizing classroom parties (Halloween, birthdays, etc.)
• Recruit volunteers from the classroom for special events, such as the Walkathon, family math night, etc.
Field Trip Coordinator (FTC)
Purpose: To coordinate field trips for the classroom and share ideas and procedures for making field trips run smoothly with other Field Trip Coordinators
Functions within the team: Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Support other classroom FTCs by sharing strategies (booking, permission slips, how to recruit drivers, sending classroom announcements, etc.)
• Work with teachers to develop field trip ideas by grade level
• Provide detailed cost, time and booking information for the trips
• Assemble grade level binders documenting existing field trips and field trip opportunities
• Review field trips taken and suggest improvements
• Create, collect and review field trip permission slips for the field trips.
• Make sure all students have turned in permission slips on time. Follow up with families who have not yet turned in their paperwork.
• Ensure all parent volunteer drivers have turned in appropriate chaperone driving paperwork and make sure all documents, such as those related to insurance and registration, are up to date.
Purpose: Bring curriculum appropriate and grade-level science education to the classrooms and to provide a lasting resource for future years.
Functions within the team: Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Work with the teachers to develop grade level appropriate lessons
• Develop team budget
• Assemble grade level binders documenting the science curriculum and lesson plans
• Periodically review implementation and suggest improvements
• Provide access to curriculum materials provided through the program.
Gardening Team
Purpose: To maintain and improve the Fairwood garden.
Team consists of:
• Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Work with classroom teachers to develop grade-level appropriate gardening lessons
• Assemble grade level binders documenting lesson plans
• Work with the teachers to co-teach lessons
• Develop team budget
• Review lessons taught and suggest improvements to the team
Purpose: To deliver the Project Cornerstone Asset Building Champions (ABC) program to Fairwood Elementary students. Project Cornerstone (www.projectcornerstone.org) is a YMCA sponsored anti-bullying program with the goal of helping children develop values and qualities essential to becoming caring, responsible adults. Project Cornerstone offers training to volunteers who work to provide students with positive adult role models, positive peer influences, caring school climates, and a sense that their community values its youth.
Project Cornerstone Asset Building Champion (ABC) volunteers read stories and lead discussions in the classroom that focus on issues such as student-to-student respect, how to avoid bullies, and what to do if a another child is being victimized. Students also learn about values such as honesty, caring, responsibility, and friendship. By sharing these concepts in class, volunteers help create a common language and vocabulary around respect and responsibility.
Team consists of:
• Parent volunteers, preferably one per classroom
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Complete a short training course at the beginning of the school year
• Meet monthly to review the book and lesson plans
• Visit assigned room(s) monthly to read the story and lead the discussion and planned activity
• Assemble year specific binders documenting lesson plans
• Develop team budget
• Review classroom readings and suggest improvements
Purpose: To provide structured activities and additional supervision to Fairwood students during lunch recess. Structured play supports social and emotional growth; increases skills; provides vital practice in cooperation, self-discipline and perseverance; and helps kids feel more connected to the school community.
Team consists of:
• 12-16 Parents
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead. One prep parent. The prep parent works from home and prepares materials needed for the activities.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly, keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Assemble school-wide binder documenting activities
• Develop team budget
• Plan, prepare, and execute daily lunch recess activities.
• Once a week lead a group of children from 11:10 to 12:20
• Review activities and suggest improvements
Purpose: To provide engaging after-school activities on campus
Team consists of:
• 8 parents
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly, keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Poll the Explorer Community for interest
• Research activities of interest
• Coordinate activity implementation
• Assemble school-wide binder documenting possible activities, time and cost commitments
• Develop team budget
• Provide at least two 8-week sessions over the course of the school year at volunteer’s convenience
• Review offered activities and suggest improvements• Oversee the implementation of the after-school programs, especially during the first week of each session
Destination Imagination Team
Purpose: To provide students the opportunity to participate in Destination Imagination. Destination Imagination (www.caldi.org) is an after-school activity in which students work in teams to solve mind-bending challenges. The teams present their solutions at a regional tournament in late February or March. Teams are challenged to think on their feet, work collaboratively, and devise original solutions that satisfy the requirements of the challenges. Participants gain more than just basic knowledge and skills—they learn to unleash their imaginations and take unique approaches to problem solving.
Team consists of:
• 8 parents
Team Expectations:
• Team Leaders must attend a Team Manager training workshop in the beginning of the year
• Meet with groups of up to 7 students once per week for 8-12 weeks (M-Th 2:15-3:15 or F 12:30-1:30)
• Develop team budget
• Attend the final Silicon Valley Regional Tournament in late February or March with student team
• Review offered activities and suggest improvements
• Share DI challenges and activities with classrooms• If the team makes next round of competition, coordinate fundraising efforts to ensure all students can attend
Girl Scouts
Purpose: Offer an opportunity for Fairwood girls to join a girl scout troop on campus. Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) is the largest organization for girls in the world. Its mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Through activities in science and technology, business and economic literacy, and outdoor and environmental awareness, Girl Scouting provides girls with opportunities for fun and friendship while fostering the development of leadership skills and self-esteem. All Girl Scouts are divided into age levels:
Girl Scout Daisy, grades K-1
Girl Scout Brownie, grades 2-3
Girl Scout Junior, grades 4-5
Team consists of:
• 6-10 Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Group Leader and Assistant Leader for each grade level group
Team Expectations:
• Meet bi-weekly with the group of Scouts and offer activities to support the goals of Girl Scouts
• Attend monthly leader meeting
• Complete online training
• Promotion and recruiting at Fairwood
Purpose: To facilitate community-building through organization of family activities. Community is very important at Fairwood Explorer and many people love these events! All Fairwood families are warmly invited to our community events.
Team consists of:
• 10 Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Develop events calendar
• Develop events budget in coordinating with other event leads
• Assemble binders documenting events planning and execution
• Plan and execute events including Teacher Appreciation events
• Review events held and suggest improvements
Suggested events:
A beginning-of-the-year welcome event 3-4 weeks after school starts, monthly parent “Coffee Chats” in the Fairwood library, park play dates throughout the school year, seasonal events like fall pumpkin carving, movie nights, an “Incoming Families Welcome Event” at the end of the school year, Weekend group outings, Moms’ or Dads’ night out, sports events, Valentine’s brunch, a spring egg hunt, and maybe even a summer camping trip!
Academic Events Team
Purpose: To provide curriculum related events in the evening or on weekends for all Fairwood families.
Team consists of:
• 10 Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
• One teacher liaison from each grade level grouping K-1, 2-3, 4-5 (not necessary at meetings, but available for questions, guidance, and pacing for the year)
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Develop events calendar
• Plan and execute events
• Develop events budget in coordination with event leads
• Assemble binders documenting event planning and execution
• Review events held and suggest improvements
Suggested events:
Multicultural Festival, math night, science night, etc,
Purpose: To raise money for special events, field trips, and curriculum enrichment. A unique feature of the Fairwood Explorer Program is that it strives to provide an enriching educational experience with hands-on learning activities, special events, field trips, and parent education classes. Finding fun and efficient ways to raise money for such activities is crucial to our mission.
Team consists of:
• 15 Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead. Specific leadership roles within this team include:
• Walk-a-thon coordinators: coordinate annual Walk-a-thon
• Grant researcher/writer: develop and maintain list of available grants, distribute on UptoUs and offer assistance with grant writing
• Corporate match specialist: develop and maintain list of corporations that match donations, or donate for volunteer hours worked, share list on UptoUs
• Online donation specialist: develop and maintain list of online funding resources, share resources on UptoUs and with teachers, assist teachers in using said resources (e.g. Donorschoose.org, other crowdfunding platforms)
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes, publish on UptoUs
• Develop fundraising calendar
• Develop fundraising budget
• Assemble binders documenting fundraising efforts
• Review fundraising efforts and suggest improvements
Website Team
Purpose: To maintain Fairwood Explorer Alliance’s internal web portal, UpToUs. Assist teams with system needs.
Team consists of:
• 3 Parent volunteers
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Maintenance of the Explorer Alliance communications portal, UpToUs
• Ensure that Explorer families have access to UpToUs.
• Deliver training sessions for new families at the beginning of the school year
• Check in with new staff and provide training on UpToUs
• Archive necessary items at the end of the school year
Purpose: To promote Fairwood Explorer activities, fundraisers and events to the Fairwood community and to promote Fairwood Explorer Elementary to the Sunnyvale community
Team consists of:
• 3 Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• After-school and gardening activities specialist: attend after-school and gardening team meetings, provide marketing support to promote team activities and events
• Social and Academic Events specialist: attend social and academic events team meetings, provide marketing support to promote team activities and events
Team Expectations:
• Meet as needed
• Keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Develop marketing budget
• Assemble binders documenting marketing efforts
• Review marketing efforts and suggest improvements
Purpose: To provide a safe environment for pick-up and drop-off of students
Team consists of:
• 10-20 Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
• Team leads recruit and train other team members; coordinate master schedule; communicate with team about successes, challenges and concerns as they arise; review drop off procedures and safety plan at Explorer 101 training, publish and distribute safety plan and drop off procedures school-wide in the welcome-to-school packet.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Develop and maintain safety plan
• Define staffing needs, recruit volunteers and supervise implementation
• Develop safety team budget
• Assemble binders documenting safety procedures and practical implementations
• Periodically review implementation and suggest improvements
Recycling Team
Purpose: To reduce the overall amount of trash the school generates and improve recycling efforts.
Team consists of:
• Parent volunteers
Functions within the team:
• Team Lead and Assistant Lead: Two parents in leadership positions serving a two year commitment, first year as team lead, second year as team lead and mentor to first year team lead.
Team Expectations:
• Meet monthly
• Keep meeting minutes & publish on UptoUs
• Develop and maintain recycling plan
• Define staffing needs, recruit volunteers and supervise implementation
• Develop recycling team budget
• Assemble binders documenting recycling procedures and practical implementations
• Periodically review implementation and suggest improvements
Waste-Free Lunch Days, School Recycling Program, Purchase of Recycled Materials, Paper Use Reduction Program, Operation No Bottled Water, Non-Recyclable Materials Audit, Great Locker Cleanout Program, Electronics Recycling Program, composting Program, Charity Reuse Collection Program