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Health and Well-being
As educators, just about the only thing more important to us than your child’s education is his or her health and well-being. We do all we can to emphasize physical and emotional safety and promote wellness at each school site and hope families will partner with us to encourage healthy habits for their children as well.
Safe facilities
Foundational to instruction within the Sunnyvale School District is a commitment to providing a safe learning environment for students. The recent passage of Measure G has resulted in continuing improvements to our facilities, ensuring that all of our schools have comparable classrooms, are energy-efficient, and are equipped with up-to-date technology. Additionally, every site is regularly inspected and retrofitted for structural and seismic safety as needed.
School Safety Plans
Each school regularly updates its school safety plan, and each faculty member is thoroughly trained on how to keep children safe and calm during unusual events such as electrical storms, earthquakes, or power outages. In any emergency situation, we first take care of the children to ensure their safety and then contact family members to inform them of the situation, using a variety of methods such as school messenger, email, or telephone. More information is available in the updated Family Handbook and on your school's website.
Internet Safety
The Sunnyvale School District is committed to providing our students with access to cutting-edge instructional technology tools. The use of technology for the purpose of instruction provides our students with learning opportunities that extend well beyond the walls of the classroom. For students, the use of technology in the classroom is for educational purposes, such as accessing curriculum-related information, sharing resources, and promoting innovation in learning. Learning how to use technology is a vital part of creating exemplary learners with the skills to succeed in the 21st century. Please see our complete technology policy below. No personal or unauthorized use of district technology tools or services is permitted.
Partnering for Safety
We work closely with Sunnyvale Public Safety to educate our students on a variety of topics, such as bullying, drug, and alcohol awareness, stranger danger, traffic and bike safety, fire safety, and more.
We also partner with the City of Sunnyvale to implement the Safe Routes to School program, which is part of a nationwide effort to encourage walking and biking to school safely. The local plan was developed with support from traffic engineers, public safety, and school administration. To aid in the effort, sidewalks are being widened or created, and a number of new countdown traffic signals are being installed. Check out a video about how the program works at one of our schools below.
We also partner with community organizations such as Olweus, a nonprofit agency dedicated to preventing bullying and violence among students, to help keep our campuses safe and comfortable for all.
All of our community partners, campus volunteers, and staff members — every person who comes in contact with one of our students — undergo a thorough background screening and safety check, including fingerprinting, along with testing for tuberculosis, before being allowed on site.
Safe learning environment
One of the most effective ways to ensure student safety is to create an environment of mutual respect and support among students at each school site. We, therefore, teach children how to express their feelings and concerns in a constructive and positive way. Social-emotional wellness is an area of emphasis at every one of our schools, and all students are measured against goals set for developing those skills. Faculty members are trained and expected to treat each other and the children in a similarly positive fashion to help contribute to a district-wide culture of respect and support.
We employ evidence-based practices provided through a variety of means to ensure that our students develop competency in their social-emotional skills. The majority of our practices are designed with the PBIS framework in mind, and we partner with a variety of community nonprofit agencies to leverage the quality of our work for maximum student benefit. Throughout the district, our community partners include the YMCA, Acknowledge Alliance, Second Steps, and Community Health Awareness Council, all of which lend expertise and interest to our instruction in the area of social-emotional wellness. Individual school sites may work with additional community partners as well.