

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Erin Berry

I grew up in Sunnyvale and attended local schools (Resurrection School and Cherry Chase Elementary), graduating from Homestead High School in 1997.  I received my B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Teacher Education from the University of California, San Diego in 2001.  I remained at UCSD the following year to complete my Multiple Subject Credential (CLAD Emphasis) and M.Ed. 

I began teaching in the Sunnyvale School District in 2002 at San Miguel Elementary School, where I taught kindergarten, first grade, a K/1 combination class, and third grade.  I was thrilled to join the amazing Cumberland staff in 2017 as a 5th grade teacher!

The superhero theme in our classroom emphasizes the importance of individuality.  Ten and eleven-year-olds bring a wonderful energy into the classroom with their unique insights and voracious curiosity.  Throughout the year I focus on building a strong class community, so that learners are encouraged to take risks and challenge themselves in countless ways.  Additionally, I value strong communication between school and home.  I look forward to working with all of my families to ensure that the superheroes have a successful and memorable year in 5th grade!