- Cumberland Elementary School
- District Health Requirements & Policies
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Health Requirements
Sunnyvale School District nurses assist and support students and classroom staff to ensure a safe and healthy school day for each student and to enhance the opportunities for students to reach their maximum potential.
California State Immunization / School Entry Guidelines
California School Immunization Law: (Please click below for more information)- Preschool Requirements ENGLISH
- Preschool Requirements SPANISH
- California Immunization Requirements for K-Grade 12 (English)
- California Immunization Requirements for K-Grade 12 (Spanish)
- Parent Guide to Immunizations - Required for School Entry (English)
- Parent Guide to Immunizations - Required for School Entry (Spanish)
For further information visit:
Medical Exemptions
Under a new law known as SB 277, beginning January 1, 2016 exemptions based on personal beliefs will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California. Most families will not be affected by the new law because their children have received all the required vaccinations. Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending child care or school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade.
If your child did not receive one or more vaccine(s) due to a medical reason, please go to https://cair.cdph.ca.gov/exemptions/home in order to request a Medical Exemption (ME) from your child's physician.Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment for School Entry (TK-8th)
Go to the District Nurse's Webpage for more information and to download the form.
Health Examination Requirement (CHDP) - this is no longer required as of July1, 2024
Oral Health Assessment Requirement
Go to the District Nurse's Webpage for more information and to download the form
Guidelines for dropping off Medications
If your student needs to take medication during the school day, our trained staff will be able to help. You can pick up forms from your child’s school, or download them from the Medical Forms page.Confirm that the appropriate medication forms have been completed correctly:- The doctor’s order needs to match the bottle description, dosage, and name.
- The form must have a doctor’s signature and date.
- The form must have a parent’s signature and date.
- Needs to be in a labeled pharmacy bottle and labeled with the student’s name, medication, and dosage matching the information on the permission form (see above).
- If it is a controlled substance, such as Ritalin, the pills have to be counted by the staff person who is accepting the bottle, with the parent present.
- After the pills are counted, the staff person accepting the pills needs to note on the medication log the number of pills, initial next to it, and the parent initials it.
- DO NOT drop off medications without making sure they are properly signed in by a staff person and noted on your child’s medication log sheet(s).
- Even over-the-counter/non-prescription medication MUST be accompanied by a doctor’s order and signature and parent signature.
When is my child too sick to go to school?
As recommended by the Santa Clara County Health Department, our district has adopted these newest guidelines from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
When to keep your child home from school
Cuando no enviar a su hijo a la escuela
Head Lice
Students who are found to have live head lice will need to be treated before coming back to school. See the head lice policy notification below.For more information on how to get rid of head lice, click the following links:- Facing Head Lice - A Guide for Families - English
- Como Combatir Los Piojos - Guia Para Familias - Spanish
- Head Lice Policy Notification - English
- Head Lice Policy Notification - Spanish
Head Lice References: