- Sunnyvale School District
- Alternative Income Form
Food Services
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Alternative Income Form
Free meals are available to all students. Families are not required to submit a free and reduced-price meal application to participate at this time. Still, all families are encouraged to submit an alternative income form as it may help students and families qualify for additional programs and resources.
In addition, this will help our schools ensure they receive the appropriate funding from the California Department of Education based on the information you provide. A portion of every school's funding and other resources are determined by the needs of its students.
One family's qualification and/or participation does not take away from another family's option to qualify.
Please complete the Alternative Household Income application form before September 25, 2024.
Based on eligibility, this funding supports:
- Title I funds – Counseling, Intervention, and Reading/Math support.
- Title II funds – Professional Development for all staff.
- Title III funds – Immigration and English Learner students.
- Supplemental Funds – Intervention, Teacher Aides, Counseling Services, Psychologist Services, Community Liaisons, Software Licenses for students, Teacher Instructional Support, and Instructional Materials.
Anyone can apply! Online Alternative Household Income applications can be found at: https://linqconnect.com/public/income-form/new?identifier=FD2FM2
Thank you for your participation in this important funding initiative!
The Sunnyvale School District