- Sunnyvale School District
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
The Sunnyvale School District has developed this Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), with the objective of maintaining a safe and healthful work environment for all employees. This program is in compliance with the California Labor Code Section 6401.7, and the California Code of Regulations Title 8, Sections 1509 and 3203, and it consists of the following elements:
- Responsibility
- Compliance
- Communication
- Hazard Assessment
- Hazard Correction
- Accident/Exposure Investigation
- Training and Instruction
- Recordkeeping
The District has developed a comprehensive Safe Schools Plan, to provide a safe learning environment for employees, volunteers, and students. The safety of the children and personnel is the paramount priority of Sunnyvale School District. The Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) for employees and volunteers works conjunctively with said plans.
Safety and accident prevention are essential to the Sunnyvale School District. We strive to prevent injuries to staff, students, and volunteers. By making safety a high priority for every employee and volunteer, we attempt to reduce injuries and illnesses, increase productivity, and promote a safer and healthier environment for all individuals in the Sunnyvale School District. We also want to protect our environment and community. As it is necessary, we will contract with experts in specialized fields of safety and health to meet these goals.
The Sunnyvale School District will provide the tools and education necessary for every employee and volunteer to work efficiently and safely. We expect these individuals to willingly follow and utilize the procedures set forth. We also expect that employees and volunteers will provide feedback to us when better methods or new ideas come to their attention. Any concerned person may contact the Sunnyvale School District at 408.522.8200.