- Sunnyvale School District
- Open Enrollment
Student Information & Enrollment
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Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is a request to transfer from your assigned school (i.e. your "home school”) to a Program of Choice or another school within the Sunnyvale School District. Open Enrollment does not guarantee placement; it is a random, unbiased selection process that identifies available space for transfer students after resident students are placed. Open Enrollment is one of the ways the Sunnyvale School District aims to meet the diverse needs and interests of its students. Open Enrollment is not necessary for students who are registered with and wish to attend their home school.
- All students must live within the Sunnyvale School District.
- Must complete registration OR be a currently enrolled student in order to apply.
- Parents/guardians must submit their new student's registration with their home school for the grade they will be attending in the upcoming school year and, if applicable, complete the address verification.
- Open Enrollment is available from February 3rd to February 14th.
- All Sunnyvale School District schools are available for Open Enrollment. However, the District annually reviews enrollment at all schools and identifies impacted schools that are not available for Open Enrollment in a given year.
- Mid-April, the District will run Open Enrollment and parents/guardians will be notified of their results via email.
- If a seat is not offered by the time school starts, the student will attend their home school, and may reapply for Open Enrollment next year.
- Transportation is NOT provided for students on Open Enrollment and will not continue if your student was previously an overload to another school.
- Poor attendance, which is considered to be six or more tardies or ten or more unexcused absences, can result in the cancellation of your Open Enrollment transfer.
- Approved Open Enrollments from (TK-8) do not have to re-apply in subsequent years.
Open Enrollment Forms
Open Enrollment Forms will be available from February 3rd-14th.
English: 2025-2026 Open Enrollment
Español: 2025-2026 Inscripción Abierta