Supporting Our Students

  • A Strong Foundation:

    We believe in supporting the whole child through our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).  This begins with building a strong foundation of best practices in instruction and assessment, creating a positive environment for learning through explicit Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons and providing clear expectations for behavior using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support.   For each of these three areas, SSD has curriculum, assessment tools, and coaching support to best reinforce a strong foundation for learning and to identify students who need additional support or challenge.  Supporting the Classroom: 

    Supporting students is a team effort!  Site MTSS teams work collaboratively with classroom teachers to examine data, identify student needs, and allocate support.  We are fortunate to have a number of staff at each site to be a part of this support team, including Site Administrators, School Psychologists, Instructional Coaches, Intervention Teachers, Social Workers, District Nurses, Health Assistants, and Behavior Intervention Team Members who work in concert to support the students and the classroom.   We also partner with outside institutions such as Playworks, CHAC, City of Sunnyvale, Acknowledge Alliance, Stanford University, San Jose State University, Silicon Valley New Teacher Project, and the Center for Reaching and Teaching the Whole Child to support teachers and students.