- Sunnyvale School District
- Prospective Employees
- Special Education
Human Resources
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Join Our Special Education Team!
We believe that Special Education is an integral part of the General Education program, not a separate entity. To that end, our Special Education and General Education staff work collaboratively to provide the best first teaching and targeted support to meet student needs. Our MTSS systems support this work, as well as our commitment to equity for all students.
As a Special Education Teacher, you will have the support of Special Education-specific staff in the form of Special Education Coaches and Induction Mentors, a Behavior Support Team, School Psychologists, SLPs, and Classroom Paraeducators at each site. You will also have Occupational Therapists and other service providers as needed.
Special Education teachers and SLPs receive an additional step in the teacher salary schedule, which is a continuous benefit that also contributes to your retirement (as opposed to one-time payments). For example, a new teacher will make approximately $9,500 more in their first 5 years of teaching with this additional step. In addition to this continuous benefit, for the 2024-25 school year, Special Education certificated staff will receive an additional $6,000 signing bonus ($3,000 for Year 1, and $3,000 for Year 2).
Top reasons to join our SpEd team!
- Targeted Support: Support is provided to help you grow in your practice as an educator through coaching, and ongoing professional development, tailored to your needs/interests.
- Staff SEL: Sunnyvale proactively works to support the social-emotional well-being of staff and students through dedicated social-emotional support staff and employee wellness resources.
- Compensation: Sunnyvale is among the higher-paying districts in Silicon Valley, and includes both a one-time signing bonus as well as continuous benefit of an additional step.
- A team approach. You are not alone. Our site teams support staff, staff support each other, and our Administrators are available to you.
- Students are our top priority. Our goal is optimal student learning and growth. The supports listed above impact staff and allow them to provide our students with the highest level of education and equity possible.