Current Vacancies

  • Vacancies

    You may see a list of our current vacancies for classified, certificated, and management positions on our online platform, Frontline. 


    Application Process 

    While our vacancies are also posted on EdJoin, Sunnyvale only accepts applications online through our online platform, Frontline.  You will need to attach the following documents when applying: 

    • A cover letter that includes your qualifications and/or experiences with regard to the position for which you are applying
    • A current resume
    • Two (2) letters of recommendation, with at least one letter regarding your most recent work experience

    If you are a non-credentialed applicant interested in a teaching position and would like more information about obtaining a California Teaching Credential, please visit the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) website at: 

    Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications being processed by this office, it will not be possible to acknowledge receipt of each application, nor schedule interviews for all applicants. Your application is kept on file for the academic school year in which you apply.

    For further information regarding vacancies or the application process, please contact the following:


    Certificated Positions

    Mary Gutierrez, Confidential Personnel Analyst

    408-522-8200 x1054

    408-522-8951 (Fax) 


    Classified Positions

    Liza Benabbas, Human Resources Technician

    408-522-8200 x1046

    408-522-8951 (Fax) 


    Management Positions

    Rohini Ravipati, Confidential HR Program Analyst

    408-522-8200 x1033

    408-522-8951 (Fax)